Workin' Clearance Gucci

9:24 AM

Dress: Target
Cardi: Old Navy
Belt: Target
Shoes: Gucci (via DSW)

Here's the story of girl named Christine, who was fated to find these Guccis for 70% off! I can't express to you how excited I am about these shoes. First of all, I have been dreaming about having blue shoes for a while, so the 1st thing I got excited about when I caught a glimps of these on the rack was that they were blue. It was only after that I realized they were a)Gucci and b)marked at 70% off!

If you know me at all, you know I shop clearance racks almost exclusively. This is one of my best finds to date. And it gave me something spectacular to buy with the Birthday money that my grandma gave me. Thanks Grandma!

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