Sophie: workin' Intern-tastic

9:00 AM

Since I'm off running around Germany, Switzerland and Italy right now, here's some other people's clothes to look at:

This little beauty is my creative, smart and gorgeous friend, Sophie. She is now a senior at Indiana University (GO HOOSIERS!). And she scored her dream internship at Red Frog Events in Chicago for the summer while wearing this outfit (she plans to blog about her experiences here, if you'd like to learn more). She also used the outfit again later for a final group presentation in one of her classes.

I love that she went with the red blazer and just a touch of leopard print with her skinny belt. If  you know anything about Red Frog, showing her creativity and vibrant personality through her clothing likely gave her a leg up walking in to her interview. I find it fascinating how feeling great about the way you look can affect the way you carry yourself and the confidence you have in these high stress high steaks situations.

Good Luck, Sophie!

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