Workin' the Gray (or is it Grey?)

9:16 AM

Top:  H&M
Cardigan:  Old Navy
Pants:  gift from Mom
Belt:  Bakers Shoes
Shoes:  Jessica Simpson (via Von Maur)
Earrings: gift

So I've decided, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!  The weather keeps wanting to stay gray, so I have officially joined it.  But as per usual, I have put my own spin on it!  It is difficult to show, but these pants actually have a subtle pink/red and while pin stripe. So the cardigan is even more fitting than you know!

I feel so put together in this outfit -- which is weird because I usually have something that's a little off. Oh!  and how can you not feel awesome when you're wearing these JS shoes that are both metallic and crackled!  Next time I'll give you a close up, so you can really see!

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